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Brian S. McCarthy Middle School
Nashua, NH

Severino Trucking Co., Inc. contracted with Harvey Construction of Bedford, NH to perform site work for a school and athletic facility for the Nashua School District. Facility details include a 103,320 sf of a three-story building, 1000’ access road, running track, one multi-purpose athletic field, baseball and softball fields and a basketball court.  Severino broke ground in April of 2022, 6 months late due to permitting issues, which created a fast-paced project to meet the school opening fall of 2024.

The $8.5M contract includes the following:

75,000 cy of excavation
85,000 cy of embankment
40,000 cy of imported sand and gravels
4,000 cy of ledge removal
2,520 lf of footing excavation and backfill
2,265 lf of sewer piping
6,815 lf of drainage piping
5 Stormtech drainage systems
2,450 lf of water utilities
5 Redirock retaining walls
8,000 lf of granite curbing
4,600 tons of paving



The Edge
Manchester, NH

The Edge apartment complex is a 160-unit project being built on the banks of the Merrimack River in Manchester, NH.  Contracting the site work with Brady-Sullivan Properties, Severino Trucking started this project in July of 2023.  Project highlights include the following:

  • 7,000 cy of loam strip and removal

  • 25,000 cy of earthmoving

  • 2,500 cy of structural fill

  • 5,000 cy of gravel placement

  • 2,000 tons of paving

  • Two underground drainage detention systems

  • Redi-Rock retaining wall

  • 120 lf pipe jacking sleeve under railroad tracks

  • 2,800 lf of water, sewer and drainage piping

Expected completion is fall of 2024.

WEY Aerial

West End Yards/Cate St. Relocation
Portsmouth, NH

    Beginning in the winter of 2020 this multi-use development consisted of commercial, restaurant and residential apartments. As part of this project, a new city corridor was created with the extension of Cate Street to Lafayette Road. This has revitalized the “West End” of the City by developing abandoned properties and reconstructing a previously substandard roadway. In conjunction, the widening and realignment of NHDOT Route 1 Bypass will alleviate the traffic congestion within that area.


Portsmouth, NH


     Brick Market houses 42,245 sf of commercial office and restaurant space along with 32,200 sf of underground parking and storage.  There is 8,450 sf of community space surrounding the building. 

     18,350 cy of soil, majority being contaminated, was excavated from the site.  This work was monitored closely by Wilcox and Barton to ensure safe and responsible removal and disposal.  All dewatering that occurred had to be treated and discharged into the city sewage system.  Once the soil was removed, we started the drilling, blasting and removal of 5,000 of ledge.  This achieved a bottom of excavation elevation of 3.25 feet above sea level, 26 ft below the adjacent roadways.

     To squeeze a building of this size and depth onto a 0.53 acre lot required various types of shoring designed and installed by HB Fleming.  A mixture of utilizing the existing ledge by line drilling, driving sheet pile, pins, micro-pile with lagging and grouted rock anchors were all installed to support neighboring roadways and buildings.  A high level of coordination between Severino Trucking, Southern NH Concrete, SL Chasse, HB Fleming, and Wilcox and Barton got this foundation in the ground.

     Community spaces were finished off with 4,500 sf of Deer Island Granite Pavers.  920 sf of bluestone bands and 4,980 Jonesboro Cobbles were inlayed into the granite.  3,450 sf of brick sidewalk was installed along Penhallow and Daniel Streets.  Hard Tech out of Berwick, ME performed the meticulous install.

     The offsite improvements included drainage upgrades, removing overhead powerlines and repaving Daniel and Penhallow Streets.  Three electrical vaults and 1,150 lf of concrete encased duct banks were installed to allow Eversource to pull new wire to be able to remove the overhead lines.  This upgrade will set the city up for future electrical expansions.  A drainage trunk line was installed up Daniel St. to take water from existing catch basins that were draining into the city sewage system.

     It was a pleasure to work with MacNabb Properties and we thank them for the opportunity to b a part of this project.


Exeter, NH

     The Unitil site is located on Continental Drive in Exeter, accompanying two other site jobs completed by Severino. This project includes 12,500 CY of ledge excavation, 10,000 CY of common excavation & 39,000 CY of embankment. Because of the close wetland proximity, this site did not allow much room for open drainage. The solution included installing a 17,550 SF Underground Stormwater Management Area using 60" HDPE. 

     This site also includes a 20,000 SF office building attached to a shop, warehouse & vehicle storage building of about 31,500 SF. 



Londonderry, NH

     This project is an apartment complex development that is scheduled to be phased over a three-year period. It involves a large amount of blasting, ledge excavation, and rock fills, as well as a complicated Class B stone slope. There is a large amount of underground utility work, as this development is serviced by town sewer, water, and gas. It also includes a water booster pump station constructed by Apex Construction (?). The utility infrastructure is located 1500 feet +/- from the site which will require an extensive reconstruction of Stonehenge Road. This multi-phase project was completed Summer of 2021.


Manchester, NH

Severino Trucking Co., Inc. was awarded the Candia Road Apartments Project in July by Harvey Construction, who is the General Contractor for the project.


The project sits on an 11-acre site and consists of the construction of three, three story apartment buildings, a club house, and basketball court.

7,000 cy of ledge and 16,000 cy of earth was moved and placed to build the site to subgrade. Water and sewer mains are tying into existing utilities along Candia Road. The drainage consists of a closed drainage system feeding into 7 underground detention systems totaling 19,000 sf. The project will also include granite curb and concrete sidewalks.


Off-site improvements include the widening of Candia Road at the intersection of East Industrial Drive and the installation of a new signalized intersection on Candia Road at the entrance of the project. This site was completed Summer 2017.


Exeter, NH

The Boulders at Riverwoods is a 96,000 SF two-story retirement housing community surrounded by 24 independent-living cottages located in Exeter, NH. Twenty-two acres of trees were cut to open the area for earthwork that included 80,000 CY of excavation, boulder removal and ledge, and 22,000 CY of structural fill to support the building footings and slab.


Utilities included 4,000 LF of sewer pipe, 2,200 LF of water main, 7,500 LF of drainage pipe, 115 concrete drainage structures, 43,000 LF of storm water detention galleries and a 16’ x 36’ three-sided box culvert.11,000 SF of Redi-Rock retaining walls were installed and existing boulders were placed to construct another 2,000 SF. 20,000 CY of select gravels were covered by 5,600 tons of pavement. 10,000 LF of granite curb and 1,500 SY of concrete sidewalks were placed to finish the flatwork.


The site was completed with 30,000 SY of loam spread and seeded between the landscaping which consists of 350 trees, 720 shrubs and 2,580 perennials and groundcovers.


Epping, NH

Phase 1:

     Work began at the Brickyard in June 2008 with Waterstone Retail contracting Severino Trucking to complete the initial site prep of the retail lot. This work included stripping and filling a 20 acre building site, construction of a 2 acre wetland south of the project, and construction of two permanent detention basins. The site was nearly flat with 7 acres of existing wetlands that had to be dredged and filled. Crews had to strip nearly 40,000 CY of topsoil in order to place the 60,000 CY of fill required to bring the site to grade. Construction of the permanent detention basins required excavation of 25,000 CY of clay, most of which had to be hauled offsite.

In late fall of 2008 crews began working on offsite wetland construction. A temporary construction access was built off      Route 125 and excavation of several feet of old brick fill was removed to create a two are wetland area. Work was completed for this phase spring 2009 when the developers asked Severino to construct a preload for the proposed Market Basket store to be built later that season. This work required placement of 14,000 CY of sand and gravels, approximately 8’ deep over a portion of the proposed building site to compact the existing clay soils beneath the building pad.


Phase 2:

     In August of 2009, the second phase of construction started at The Brickyard. This work included the remainder of cut and fills to bring the site to sub-grade along with all utilities and paving for the first half of the site which is to include the Market Basket grocery store. The Store was opened in January-February 2010, requiring all site work to be completed by the end of November 2009. This schedule crammed an amount of work which normally would be spread over an entire season into a period of less than four months.


Phase 3:

     Phase 3 work began in March 2012.  This phase included over 12,000 CY of excavation to be stockpiled for future use. In addition, site work included removal of over 6,000 CY of ledge several hundred CY of trench rock for site utilities.  The rock was crushed on site and blended with sand to make structural fill for building pads.

     Utilities in this phase included over 1,300 feet of drains, 14 structures, 250 CY of rip rap, roof leader stubs and a 1/4 acre gravel wetland. Three hundred and fifty feet of new 8" sewer, new manholes and 6" service stubs for new buildings will be installed. Also, a 1,000 gallon grease trap was installed for O'Neil Cinemas to service the concession stand.

     The water main needed to have over 200 feet of 12" DIP relocated and over 500 feet of new service stubs installed to complete the phase. There was 700 feet of new underground electric, telephone and cable conduit installed to tie in new buildings. This completed the UGE loop through the project and allowed all utilities to be completed.

     The parking areas consisted of over 4 acres of paving, 7,000 CY of gravels, 19,000 SY of fine grading and 2,500 tons of binder pavement. This was primarily to complete the nearly 350 parking spaces that were required for the cinema. To complete the parking, there was over 3,700 LF of slope granite curb, striping, signs and bollards along with complete landscaping and irrigation of islands.

     To round up the restoration, guardrail and gates were installed at the westerly limit of the site, along with some minor landscaping of slopes and gravel wetland.  Final top pavement was completed in the phase beginning the following July and continued until all the buildings were complete.


Dover, NH

     This project began in spring of 2006 and was comprised of two separate projects. One of the projects was to rehabilitate the parking areas of the existing office building and publishing center which provided office space for over 1,500 employees. The second was to complete site work and parking garage for a new four story office building to facilitate an additional 2000 employees to campus.

     The site work for the office building included the vast majority of work with extensive excavations and fills to accommodate the new structure and parking facilities. Over 100,000 CY of excavation was required in a variety of soil conditions ranging from ledge to wetlands, with the bulk being a silty clay based soil. In addition, over 60,000 CY of structural fill were imported to site to fill building and parking areas. The utilities included over 8,000 LF of drainage, 3800 LF of water main, and 500 LF of new sewer main along with 75 manholes and catch basins. Site electrical excavation and backfill was part of both projects including approximately 20,000 LF of trenching and over a dozen large manholes for electric and telephone conduits. To complete the project over 30,000 CY of gravel were placed, 8,000 tons of binder pavement placed and 23,000 LF of curbing installed, along with a precast pedestrian bridge and 500 LF of walkway to connect the new building with existing campus.

     The rehab to the existing parking lot incorporated significant challenges of its own. All work needed to be done without disrupting normal operations of a facility which housed over 1,500 workers. Nearly 60,000 SY of existing pavement needed to be removed, the sub-base excavated and 32,000 CY of gravel placed. While this was happening, over 40 drainage structures were reconstructed and dozens of water and sewer structures needed to be adjusted prior to the placement of 6,000 tons of binder pavement. The site also included new electric and security conduits, underdrains, and 20,000 LF of curbing.

     Both projects were completed in August of 2007, culminating 16 months of cooperative efforts with the General Contractor and dozens of subcontractors to provide Liberty Mutual with a campus that would more than double the workforce in Dover, NH.


Rochester, NH

     Phase 10 Cell Construction Project consisted of constructing 12.8 acres of surface area for Waste Management to place refuse. It may not sound very complicated, but anytime you are working with a disposal facility nothing is as simple as it seems.

     There are three cells that make up the Phase 10 construction area. Each cell had its own sectional thickness of materials to be placed. There were also layers of secondary liner, geocomposite, geosynthetic, primary liner and filter fabric materials on each cell that were installed by a liner subcontractor. Coordination with the liner contractor was critical as their material layers were intermixed with Severino material layers.

     After completing subgrade, a 12 layer of low permeability material (clay) had to be put in place. The clay is what the liner crew installed their secondary liner on. The clay was placed, compacted, fine graded, and elevation verification shots taken to insure proper thickness. A 20 x 20 foot topo of the entire cell (3.5 acres) was completed after each layer of material for the as-built drawings.

     Eight inch HDPE pipe was welded and installed on top of the secondary liner. As the liner and pipe work in the first cell were being installed, the next cell was being prepared for subgrade and placing clay as they did in the previous cell. The liner crew also moved from one cell to another placing secondary liner. As they moved down the cells, Severino went behind them and prepared the next layer of material, a 12 layer of sand. The same procedures were used with fine grading, verification shots, and topo. The liner crew followed behind the Severino crew and placed layers of geocomposite, geosynthetic, primary liner and fabric.

     As the liner crews installed their last layer of membranes, the pipe crews welded pipe to be placed on the primary liner layer. After the pipe was installed, an 18 layer of ¾" stone was placed to complete each cell construction.

Along with the cell construction, a leachate vault was installed at the top of the slope. Three 24 HDPE pipes were also installed to tie in the sump area at the bottom of the cell to the vault. Each pipe is approximately 120 LF long with the bottom 20 of the pipes being perforated. The pipes were welded at the top of the slope and lifted with two excavators. They were brought down the slope and placed. Twenty-five LF of the pipes lay flat in the sump with the remaining laying up the slope and into the vault. Mechanical and electrical work was done inside the vault and three pumps installed into the 24" pipes. These pumps will pump the leachate that is collected from water passing through the trash as the landfill is being constructed.

     In all, 100,000 CY of material was moved and placed to accomplish subgrade; 62,000 SY of low permeability soil placed; 27,000 SY of secondary sand placed; 50,000 SY of stone placed and 8,500 LF of pipe welded and installed.

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